Atlantica Wiki

Atlantica Day!! January 26-27, 2019

    EVENT    Jan. 25 2019

FB ATDay v31

Everyone is excited since it's that time of the month! ATLANTICA DAY has arrived!

== Atlantica Day Events


1. Resting EXP. Boost 300% up

2. Diary EXP. Boost 300% up

3. Winner Gift Box Event

4. Jackpot Hourly Raffle (AT Day Jackpot Gift)

5. Party EXP Multiplier x2 and x3

6. EXP Bonus Time 300%

7. Crafting EXP 200%

8. Battle Buffs (Attack Power and Def +20%)

9. Buff Items Giveaway (To be posted soon!)

10. AT Day Sale (Mercenary, Legion, Books and Atlas Ores)

11. Atlas Ore Enhancement discount -20%

A chance of getting the [Atlantica VALOFE Day Jackpot Gift] from Coliseum/Free League Battles (Given at random to the participants of every league after achieving at least 1 victory)

01 Vjacpot EN

Get the [Atlantica Day Jackpot Gift] from the following instances:

    Hourly Raffle (Distributed randomly to online users every 2 hours)

    Auction (Gift box will be registered in auction every 3 hours)

02 Jacpot EN

Aside from the Gift Boxes, you can get the [Atlantica Day Coupon] for every hour that you are online. The number of coupons will increase per hour and everyone can earn up to 6 coupons and a Honey Jar Key! These coupons can be exchanged for weapons to the Atlantacong NPCs located in Rome!

Atlantica Day Item Giveaway![]

Get items on specific times, be sure that your character is online!


Atlantica Day Item Mall Sale![]

    Mercenary Outfit Stone -20% OFF!

    Atlas Ore Promo x1000 + 150 -50% OFF!

    Atlas Ore [E] Promo x1000 + 150 -50% OFF!

    Neo ACA-II Search Robot License (30 Days) -25% OFF!

    WHITE Package (30 Days) -20% OFF!

    Succubus Secret 7+3

    Succubus Boudoir 7+3

    Limited Premium Package -30% OFF!

    Ninetails: Fox Bead -25% OFF!

    Carmilla's Cursed Coffin + Essentials -25% OFF!

See you guys soon and have a great weekend!

Atlantica Ops Team
